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178 results for "myrtle rust"


Indigenous Biosecurity: Māori Responses to Kauri Dieback and Myrtle Rust in Aotearoa New Zealand

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Weather associated with myrtle rust on the North Island east coast

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Understanding a taonga killer: how does Austropuccinia psidii cause myrtle rust? - Grant Smith

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Host, Pathogen & Environment

Students Tyler Johns – University of Canterbury Honours student News 2020
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Myrtle rust find reported from Christchurch

A find of myrtle rust on a hedge in residential Christchurch marks the first report of the deadly disease on a host that was not newly planted in the region.
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Myrtle rust

NZPPI’s Climate Model: The latest tool in the battle against myrtle rust

A suite of tools and information to help plant nurseries manage myrtle rust outbreaks this summer has been released by New Zealand Plant Producers Inc (NZPPI).
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Are our indigenous myrtles susceptible to other myrtle rust strains?

To understand how susceptible our myrtle species are to other strains of myrtle rust, researchers investigated the susceptibility of four indigenous myrtle species to the South African strain of myrtle rust.
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Myrtle Rust Risk Prediction - a new data platform

The Myrtle Rust Risk Prediction platform is here! A massive inter-agency effort has resulted in the first digital tool that allows for the prediction of myrtle rust risk on a site-by-site basis.
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Myrtle rust: reports from last season

Beyond Myrtle Rust provide updates on the latest observations of the fungal disease affecting the country’s Myrtaceae plant species thanks to keen New Zealanders out and about recording sightings of disease symptoms.
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Researchers predict refuges from the disease myrtle rust

A recently published paper details research into predicting refugia for myrtle species.
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Microscopic epiphytes may help in the war against myrtle rust

Microbiologist Hayley Ridgway is investigating the epiphytic microbe communities living on myrtle species, and their role in the spread of myrtle rust.
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Myrtle rust featured at Tauranga Conservation week

There’s still plenty of local community interest about the research and management of myrtle rust.
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Alby Marsh – bringing people together to fight myrtle rust

Alby Marsh is working with researchers and communities to build relationships and solutions that will help in the fight against myrtle rust.
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Beccy, Nick, Renee & Maj

The value of collaboration: four questions for four myrtle rust experts

Ngā Rākau Taketake (NRT) and Beyond Myrtle Rust (BMR) are partners in tackling myrtle rust. We spoke with Beccy Ganley and Nick Waipara (Rongowhakaata and Ngāti Ruapani ki Tūranga) from NRT and Mahajabeen Padamsee and Renee Johansen from BMR about their thoughts on the value of this collaboration.
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Myrtlerustconf2023 229

Mana whenua represent at the Australasian Myrtle Rust Conference

The Australasian Myrtle Rust Conference was the first of its kind – a multi-day conference dedicated entirely to Austropuccinia psidii (the pathogen that causes myrtle rust) and the many plants
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Myrtle rust symptoms

Preliminary results from myrtle rust susceptibility testing

This project aimed to assess the relative risk posed by myrtle rust to six Myrtaceae species under natural New Zealand conditions. Here's what they found.
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