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Using long-term experimental restoration of agroecosystems in Aotearoa New Zealand to improve implementation of Nature-based Solutions for climate change mitigation

Tree planting has long played a major role in the New Zealand Government’s approach to climate mitigation and is increasingly understood as important for climate…
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Thesis: Framing Complex Environmental Issues: A Case Study Of Kauri Dieback Management In New Zealand Print Media

Environmental communication is typically thought of as an activity of scientists. However, communication by media journalists is an important avenue for people to learn about…
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A review of environmental values for New Zealand biosecurity risk assessment

Biosecurity refers to keeping the environment free of unwanted organisms and controlling, managing or eradicating them should they arrive in the country. The New Zealand…
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Multi-trap sampling of arthropod communities at ports of first entry informs biosecurity surveillance programs

Ports of first entry are high-risk locations where invasive species may arrive, establish, and cause wider potential environmental, economic, social, or cultural harm. Early detection…
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Environmental stewardship: A systematic scoping review

Environmental stewardship is a term describing both the philosophy and the actions required to protect, restore, and sustainably use natural resources for the future benefit…
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Protecting and Restoring Freshwater Biodiversity Across Urban Areas in Aotearoa New Zealand – Encouraging the Installation of Rainwater Tanks in Urban Areas

Urbanization poses numerous challenges to freshwater biodiversity. This paper describes two studies with the joint aim of demonstrating the benefits of applying a systematic behaviour…
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Convergence and divergence in science and practice of urban and rural forest restoration

Forest restoration has never been higher on policymakers’ agendas. Complex and multi-dimensional arrangements across the urban–rural continuum challenge restorationists and require integrative approaches to strengthen…
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Birds optimize fruit size consumed near their geographic range limits

Animals can adjust their diet to maximize energy or nutritional intake. For example, birds often target fruits that match their beak size because those fruits…
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Species traits and community structure can drive large-scale spatial propagation of effects in ecosystems

Species can directly and indirectly affect others across communities and habitats, yet the spatial scale over which such effects spread remains unclear. This uncertainty arises…
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The propagation of disturbances in ecological networks

Network science has revealed that the architecture of many complex biological, physical, and social systems facilitates the direct and indirect propagation of disturbances. Ecological disturbances,…
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Teach Indigenous knowledge alongside science

Conflict has grown around Indigenous knowledge in education policy. There has been growing acceptance of the value of Indigenous knowledge for promoting ecological resilience, transformational…
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Shouldering the burden: social-ecological scale mismatches in wetland ecosystem management in Aotearoa New Zealand

Social-ecological mismatches in scale limit the recovery of ecosystems from environmental degradation, severely impacting the diverse groups who rely on them. Identifying scale mismatches across…
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The admixed brushtail possum genome reveals invasion history in New Zealand and novel imprinted genes

Combining genome assembly with population and functional genomics can provide valuable insights to development and evolution, as well as tools for species management. Here, we…
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Contribution of Indigenous Peoples’ understandings and relational frameworks to invasive alien species management

Introduced species that spread and become invasive are recognised as a major threat to global biological diversity, ecosystem resilience and economic stability. Eradication is often…
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What is the role of biodiversity in mediating the effects of climate change on New Zealand’s future agroecosystems?

Climate change will have far-reaching negative impacts on all aspects of Earth’s state and functions, including ongoing biodiversity decline and threats to agricultural production. These…
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Exploring the Role of Drama in Environmental Education: A Case Study on Child Agency and Participation on Aotea Great Barrier Island

Environmental education is increasingly important worldwide as complex environmental challenges continue to emerge. Aotearoa-New Zealand is not exempt from this, with extreme weather events, ecosystem…
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