
What is the Eco-index? 

National and regional reporting shows that Aotearoa’s native biodiversity is in dangerous decline. A better approach is needed, and indeed possible, to restore our natural heritage – nga taonga katoa.  

The Eco-index programme is developing a tool to encourage and direct investment towards action that will reverse biodiversity decline. This mahi will be informed by a 100-year bicultural vision for biodiversity restoration in Aotearoa that is currently under development. 

To develop the Eco-index tool, the team are building methods to support major land management sectors to optimise their current and future investments in Aotearoa’s biodiversity. The Eco-index team are beginning to work with sector partners to develop tailor-made eco-indices for their land-based industries that will help to inform and share positive biodiversity initiatives. In time, the Eco-index will indicate our country’s biodiversity performance in a similar way that GDP indicates economic performance. 

Finalising co-design partners 

In 2021 the Eco-index team will finalise their co-design partners. They are still open to conversations with organisations/institutions who are interested in co-investing to get their own tailor-made biodiversity investment profiles. Feel free to reach out to , or keep an eye on our twitter & facebook channels for updates. Co-investment may range from in-kind support, to data access, or financial support.  

Eco-index whānau is growing 

During the second half of 2020 the Eco-index whānau were pleased to welcome two new team members: Monique Hall & Catherine Kirby. Monique hails from Whāingaroa Raglan and has joined as a full-time Research Assistant. Catherine is from Ōhiwa in the Bay of Plenty, now lives in Kirikiriroa Hamilton and is the team’s new Communication and Relationships Manager. Both have masters degrees in ecology and experience restoring native biodiversity. 

To get the year off to an exciting start, the team are currently seeking a Data Infrastructure Engineer to design and manage a grand Eco-index database. If you know someone who may be interested in this full-time role at the University of Waikato please direct them to:

The Eco-index team are pleased to have the ball rolling on this promising programme and look forward to sharing more mahi soon. 

Ngā mihi nui, 

John Reid, Kiri Joy Wallace, Jay Whitehead, Catherine Kirby & Monique Hall 

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