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An early career perspective on encouraging collaborative and interdisciplinary research in ecology

October 2019

Publication: Ecosphere
Author(s): Pannell JL, Dencer-Brown AM, Greening SS, Hume EA, Jarvis RM, Matieu C, Mugford J, Runghen R.

There is a growing need for collaborative and interdisciplinary research in addressing global ecological challenges, and early career researchers (ECRs) often play a vital role in such ventures. But despite the desire for such approaches, forming new and interdisciplinary collaborations is risky, and disproportionately so for ECRs, whose perspectives on this topic are rarely heard. Here, we present common perceptions among ECRs regarding opportunities for intra- and interdisciplinary collaboration, and barriers preventing such collaboration from taking place.


A paper from Tranche 1 research.

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