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Kaurilands Summit 2021

June 2021

Over 120 attendees representing community groups, iwi, research organisations, councils and government agencies came together online for the inaugural Kauriland Summit in June 2021. The Summit was split into three distinctive sections to reflect the BioHeritage’s priority areas: Whakamana, Tiaki and Whakahou (Empower, Protect and Restore).

Each of the seven Ngā Rākau Taketake research themes were introduced with a video, crafted by a team led by Ngāriki Ngatae, the talented director of the award-winning short film Te Wao Nui. Following each video, the Theme and Pou (Te Whakahononga) researchers engaged in a lively discussion session with the audience and session chair.


00:00    Mihimihi and karakia – welcoming address and introduction

04:33     Cross-Theme Pou: Te Whakahononga

46:11      Whakamana / Empower – Introduction

49:00     Theme 1: Oranga  (Oranga Video Link)  

1:12:43   Theme 2: Mobilising for Action  (Mobilising for Action Video Link)  

1:27:48   Tiaki / Protect – Introduction

1:30:56   Theme 3: Risk Assessment & Ecosystem Impacts  (Risk Assessment Video Link)

2:07:16   Theme 4: Integrated Surveillance  (Integrated Surveillance Video Link)

2:24:24  Theme 5: Control, Protect, Cure  (Control, Protect, Cure Video Link)

2:48:34  Whakahou / Restore – Introduction

2:50:20  Theme 6: Host, Pathogen & Environment  (Host, Pathogen & Environment Video Link)

3:06:00  Theme 7: Conservation & Restoration  (Conservation & Restoration Video Link

3:24:20  Concluding remarks and karakia

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