Output 2

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Māori perspectives on the uses of DNA data

June 2023

Wānanga 2: Māori perspectives on the uses of DNA data
Te Tiriti-guided national DNA reference library wānanga series


Facilitators: Dr Alana Alexander, Ngāpuhi: Te Hikutu, Pākehā (University of Otago) & Dr Nathan Kenny, Ngāi Tahu, Te Ātiawa, Pākehā (University of Otago)


Nau mai, haere mai ki tēnei wānanga. Nā te tū hei whakatinana o te whakapapa, he mea hirahira te DNA.

In this wānanga, we bring together Māori kaikōrero to discuss Māori perspectives around DNA, a physical representation of whakapapa, with a particular focus on eDNA.

Research that produced this output

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