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Mātauranga Māori in the Mātauranga Māori Framework for Surveillance of Plant Pathogens - A Literature Review

April 2020

This report has been commissioned by Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research as part of the research programme ‘Mātauranga Māori Framework for Surveillance (MMFS) of Plant Pathogens’. The programme is included within ‘Ngā Rākau Taketake – Saving Our Iconic Trees from Kauri Dieback and Myrtle Rust’ Tranche 2 Research Programmes, as part of the broader National Biological Heritage Challenge (‘New Zealand’s Biological Heritage | Ngā Koiora Tuku Iho’).


The report is comprised of a literature review of mātauranga Māori focused literature. Seven literature pieces were reviewed, with selected literature falling into one of two categories: (i) literature centred on key mātauranga Māori concepts, values and beliefs in relation to the natural environment; and (ii) mātauranga Māori based models and frameworks for application in environmental management and decision making. The purpose of the review was to contribute to the development of a mātauranga Māori framework for surveillance (MMFS) of plant pathogens, and to ensure no duplication of existing models or frameworks occurs.


Review findings supported the development of an MMFS and indicated no applicable models currently exist.

Research that produced this output

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