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Sociality reduces the probability of eradication success of arthropod pests

July 2023

Publication: Insectes Sociaux
Author(s): Howse MWF, Haywood J, Lester PJ.

Social insects are successful and globally significant invaders. Compared to ongoing suppression, eradication is seen as an ideal solution and cost effective in the long term. The success of eradication attempts is not guaranteed and identifying key factors that could influence the success of such management programs would be beneficial. In this study, 239 eradication attempts were compiled and analysed to identify why eradication attempts fail, with a focus on how eusociality of the target species impacts eradication success. All else remaining constant, the odds of successful eradication were 79% lower when targeting social species compared to non-social insects. Eradication success was shown to increase when comparing more recent attempts to earlier ones but was found to decrease as the duration of the attempt went on. Eradication attempts that occurred on islands, and those that targeted species with a broader host range, were also associated with increased success. A review of cited reasons for eradication failure highlighted the importance of employing effective control treatments, management, and monitoring systems, as well as garnering adequate social and political support. This study indicates how social insects are particularly challenging to eradicate; it also notes the importance of considering both logistical and biological aspects of any eradication, before initiating eradication attempts.

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