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Te ara o te moa: Patua te ngangara e kai ana i nga rakau taketake o Aotearoa

June 2022

Publication: MAI Journal - A New Zealand Journal of Indigenous Scholarship
Author(s): Dell K, Komene TM, Tassell-Matamua N, Pomare P, Masters-Awatere B.

He taonga tūturu ngā rākau taketake o Aotearoa. Engari, ka matemate haere ētahi o ngā rākau taonga kei te ngahere, nā te ngāngara e kai ana, ko waikura mētera tētahi, ko mate kauri tētahi atu. Nō reira, ko te kaupapa o te tuhinga nei ki te kohikohi i ngā kōrero hei whakamārama atu i ēnei tū māuiuitanga o ngā rākau taketake. Ko te whakatakotoranga e whai ake nei, ka whai i ētahi pou hei kārawarawa i tēnei tuhinga. E whā ēnei pou; tuatahi—ko te whakamārama i te tikanga o te rangahau nei; tuarua—ka āta tirohia ngā mate e rua e ngau ana i te rākau; tuatoru—ka āta tirohia ngā kōrero tawhito mō ngā rākau o te wao, me te pātai, he aha ngā mātauranga Māori hei whāinga mā tātou ki te huarahi o te ora? Ko te tuawhā—ko ngā kitenga whakamutunga.


Please note: This publication is in te reo Māori.


The heart of this article demonstrates the Maori strategies to address native trees that are being attacked by pathogens. We discovered five strategies; pūrākau – storying telling, rāhui – restrictions, karakia – prayers, tohu – signs and mahitahi – working collaboratively. The strategies are centred from Matauranga Maori. Although each strategy carries its own particular characteristics, a major finding of the study the overall theme is interconnectedness. This relates to the fact that humanity are also of the oceans, lakes, rivers and forests.

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