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Te Mahi Tiaki Taiao - Supporting taiao groups to care for their people and environment

April 2024

A report on the trial of Te Kete Hononga for Reconnecting Northland.


This study is one of three exemplar studies of restoration collectives within BioHeritage Strategic Outcome 6 ‘Pathways to Ecosystem Regeneration’. SO6 focusses on supporting co-development of exemplar restoration projects that showcase successful regeneration of mātauranga and bioheritage.


We have written this report primarily for Reconnecting Northland and its support organisations, to inform the ongoing trial and development of Te Kete Hononga. The report collates important insights from taiao leaders and members of the Waimamaku, Otaua and Hokianga communities. As such we hope that it will be a resource for both those communities and Reconnecting Northland to reflect on what has been achieved and ongoing opportunities to work together to protect and enhance the taiao. We also believe this report shares relevant insights for government and funding organisations on the benefits of investing in capability and capacity building for taiao groups and the need for integrative support systems that are responsive to the needs of taiao groups in different contexts and at different stages in their development.

Research that produced this output

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