Toi Taiao Whakatairanga (TTW) is a cross-disciplinary research project, bringing together arts, science and te āo Māori to raise awareness of threats to the health of our ngāhere. Over three years the project commissioned Māori artists to develop new artwork through creative engagement with iwi, hapu and community across areas impacted by kauri dieback disease (Phytopthora agathidicida) and myrtle rust (Austropuccinia psidii). By tracing the dynamics of interactions between communities, artists, Mana Whenua and people engaged in forest kaitiakitanga, Toi Taiao Whakatairanga aimed to contribute to understandings of how artistic practices can engage with colonial science and mātauranga Māori frameworks.
The project involved artistic research paradigms, mātauranga Māori, social science, ecological science, public pedagogy and community perspectives to grow public awareness and positive behaviours as kaitiaki, caring for and respecting the mana of our ngahere/forests.