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178 results for "myrtle rust"


Surge funding investment

Four new projects are underway within Ngā Rākau Taketake that address key science priorites identified in the kauri dieback and myrtle rust strategic science plans.
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Student Profile: Hone Ropata

Master’s student Hone Ropata is researching how myrtle rust could impact aka (vine) species, while working as a part of the Plant & Food Research team. We had a chat to learn more about his mahi.
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Media Release: Myrtle Rust can infect mānuka fruit and seeds

Researchers investigating the susceptibility of several plant species to myrtle rust have observed infection on mānuka seed capsules for the first time.
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Sarah Sale, growing a troublesome fungus for good

Sarah Sale, a PhD candidate and new member of the Beyond Myrtle Rust programme, started her research amid New Zealand’s lockdown.
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Q&A with Beccy Ganley

How long have you been involved with Ngā Rākau Taketake? From the beginning! I was brought into the scoping group specifically because of my knowledge on myrtle rust. I was
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Lake Wairarapa Shoreline Excio 1

New maps for swamp maire restoration coming soon

Julie Deslippe, a Senior Lecturer at Te Herenga Waka – Victoria University of Wellington, is one of many researchers working to reverse the decline of wetland health in the Wairarapa
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Need help to identify a myrtle? There’s an app for that

The NZ Myrtaceae Key is a new app developed to help people identify myrtle species, to aid in the detection of myrtle rust.
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What’s in a name? Demystifying lilly pilly hedges

Every winter, Beyond Myrtle Rust asks gardeners to prune their lilly pilly hedges to help prevent the spread of myrtle rust, a deadly plant disease caused by the fungus Austropuccinia psidii. New growth encouraged by pruning is less likely to be infected by A. psidii in winter. 
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Graeme Atkins

Mate Tipu, Mate Rākau

A new documentary, titled “Mate Tipu, Mate Rākau”, has been released by Toi Taiao Whakatairanga.
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About Nga Rakau Taketake

Ngā Rākau Taketake

English Te Reo English Play Video Te Reo Play Video In 2018 and 2019 the Government announced an extra $34.5 million funding for research into kauri dieback ($29.5m) and myrtle
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Conserving seeds to fight plant extinction

Collecting and storing seeds is a way of potentially saving native trees from extinction, and Whanganui iwi are now joining the charge.
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Critical research to be accelerated

Kauri dieback and myrtle rust research to be accelerated.
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Oranga - Wellbeing

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Conserving and restoring our taonga rākau 

Updates from the Conservation and Restoration team on the mahi they're doing to safeguard trees that are impacted by myrtle rust and kauri dieback.
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Ngā Rākau Taketake science stocktakes have been updated for the new year

Ngā Rākau Taketake is one of several groups who contribute to the growing body of knowledge around myrtle and kauri ora. As a way to keep track of all the excellent mahi in these spaces, we have updated our myrtle rust and kauri dieback stocktakes. Enjoy!
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Profile: Dr Beccy Ganley

Hailing from Plant and Food Research, Beccy brings to the team a long history of working in the myrtle rust and kauri dieback research space, making her an excellent candidate for the NRT Science Leader role.   
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