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178 results for "myrtle rust"


Ngarara in the Ngahere - a Toi Taiao Whakatairanga project

On 21 June 2021, about 25 adults and children assembled in the Auckland Art Gallery | Toi o Tāmaki’s Todd Foundation Creative Learning Centre to participate in an immersive art and science workshop.
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Risk Assessment & Ecosystem Impacts

Māori advisor: Dr Nick Waipara Rongawhakaata, Ngāti Ruapani Plant and Food Research Students
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Oranga Programme - Project Reflections on Outcomes and Impacts

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Whakawātea Riha Rāwaho

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Kauri Ora and Myrtle Ora community meetings - invaluable places to connect

The Kauri Ora and Myrtle Ora community meetings are hui ā-ipurangi (virtual meetings) open to the public, where regional councils, researchers and communities give updates on operations and on the science on these two pathogens. Resources are shared, questions are posed, and connections are made all across Aotearoa. For the September hui, the Kauri Ora platform uplifted a special exhibition showcasing the knowledge and artistry of some of our youngest environmental kaitiaki (guardians).  
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Natasha Tassell Matamua

Stepping down: Natasha Tassell-Matamua moving from co-lead to researcher for Theme 2

Natasha Tassell-Matamua is stepping down as co-lead for Theme 2 – Mobilising for action. But don’t worry, she isn’t going far! She’ll continue in a research capacity for several projects within the theme. Here’s what she has to say about this transition.
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'Home gardening' during lockdown

Hoa Nguyen had to improvise to save part of her PhD during lockdown,
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Myrtle rust display table

How Did Konini Primary Celebrate Matariki?

Toitū te Ngahere is a project exploring art in schools for ngahere ora (forest health). Using the processes inherent in art making, Toitū te Ngahere empowers tamariki to develop and tell stories about their own relationships with local ecosystems. This year, three classes at Konini Primary curated art and performance to share with their community at their Matariki celebration.
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Impressions of Ihirangaranga / Resonances of the Forest 

There are two stairways at the Te Uru Waitākere Contemporary Gallery that wind up to the galleries that house the Ihirangaranga / Resonances of the Forest: Toi Taiao Whakatairanga exhibition.
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Seed-bank set to help revitalise Patuharakeke traditions

A hapū near Whangārei is the latest recipient of a seed-bank enabling them to collect and store seeds from local taonga plants.
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June 2020 newsletter - Ngā Rākau Taketake

Preliminary myrtle rust results, lockdown science, PhD research on soil microbiota and much more . . .
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Molecules and atoms 3D structure

Molecular Technologies

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Interactive display

Provoking possibilities for stronger relationships with nature

Scientific information tends to be distributed as neatly packaged facts with simplified stories. This can be effective at raising awareness of issues, but it can also make solutions seem simpler than they are – people are then left wondering why change isn’t happening faster.
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Maire tawake and ramarama: higher genetic diversity in the north than the south

At the Kaurilands Summit 2023, early career researchers Colan Balkwill and Amy MacDonald presented new research on the conservation genetics of maire tawake and ramarama, two of our native myrtles. Both studies found higher genetic diversity in northern populations than southern populations. These results will be valuable for future seed banking and restoration activities.
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David Garcia-Callejas

The science of cascades: understanding impact propagation to enhance conservation efforts

How do disturbances in our ecosystems spread and cascade across landscapes? David Garcia-Callejas is an ecologist working at the University of Canterbury with our Crazy & Ambitious Think Tank – and puzzles like this are his speciality.
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November 2019 newsletter - Ngā Rākau Taketake

Tranche 2 investment updates, an international indigenous hui taumata and more . . .
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