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178 results for "myrtle rust"


Ngāti Kuri's conservation vision in the Far North boosted by involvement in Ngā Rākau Taketake

Far North Iwi Ngāti Kuri is on a mission to save two of Aotearoa New Zealand’s most endangered tree species from extinction.
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Maddie Marshall

Maddie Marshall, plant trade network modeller

A big part of our biosecurity system is being prepared - something Maddie Marshall knows all about from her PhD research.
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Sapling Gc08e35d63 1280 B

New paper: Effective strategies for maire tawake propagation

A paper published this year in the New Zealand Journal of Botany outlines effective strategies for sexual propagation (via seeds) and asexual propagation (via cuttings) of maire tawake/swamp maire (Syzygium maire).
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Mobile Apps to Keep New Zealand Safe

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Mobilising for Action

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Integrated Surveillance

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Te Wiki o te Reo Māori profile: Dave Milner

We're excited to have Dave Milner as one of the fearless leaders of our Ngā Rākau Taketake scoping group . . . 
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Vladislav Kholostiakov, plant whisperer

Beyond Myrtle Rust would like to introduce and welcome our newest PhD student, Vladislav Kholostiakov, to the broader myrtle rust community.
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Working with Scion to understand Lophomyrtus reproduction

Ramarama (Lophomyrtus bullata) and rōhutu (Lophomyrtus obcordata) are particularly susceptible to myrtle rust infection, with full tree death of ramarama first reported in 2020. It is critical we understand the reproduction of these species to ensure their survival.
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Stepping up: Mark Harvey joins co-leadership of Mobilising for Action

As we thank Tash for her services in co-leading Theme 2 – Mobilising for Action, we are also excited to welcome Mark Harvey (Mātāwaka no Ngāti Toa) to the co-leadership role! Here’s what Mark has to say about his passion for the theme and what he hopes to accomplish as co-lead.
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April 2020 newsletter - Ngā Rākau Taketake

Details of the Ngā Rākau Taketake investments, how policy needs science and news from MPI
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Stockcake Illuminated Genetic Essence 1724913767

Public Perceptions Will Determine Suitable Use of Gene Tech 

Addressing public concerns about the suitability and safety of new innovations is crucial to the responsible use of genetic technologies for environmental problems, according to new research. Funded by BioHeritage
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Marcus-Rongowhitiao Shadbolt

Ngā Pī Ka Rere spotlight: Marcus-Rongowhitiao Shadbolt, passionate about seed conservation

Ngā Rākau Taketake welcomes Marcus-Rongowhitiao Shadbolt, a new Master’s student under the Oranga and Conservation & Restoration research themes. He will be looking at how we can best conserve New Zealand’s seeds.
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Stage 2 scoping group timeline

We've almost completed the second round of scoping meetings, read on for more detail . . .
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Tranche 2 Dec 2019 update

The scoping and design process for Tranche 2 is now complete and we have several new projects underway . . .
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Environment Southland backs app to fight pests

Environment Southland is involved with developing a mobile app that will help New Zealanders protect the environment from pests.
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