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178 results for "myrtle rust"


Publishing news: Lessons learned from complicated seeds

A recent paper published in Plants outlines the seed storage physiology of Lophomyrtus and Neomyrtus, two threatened Myrtaceae genera endemic to New Zealand. Spoiler alert: rōhutu (Lophomyrtus obcordata) is less sensitive to storage methods than ramarama (Lophomyrtus bullata) and Neomyrtus pedunculata remains a mystery.
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New students

Five new students join Risk Assessment & Ecosystem Impacts

We are welcoming five new students to Ngā Rākau Taketake theme Risk Assessment & Ecosystem Impacts! Meet them and find out more about what they'll be studying.
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Policy needs science like a fat tūī loves nectar

We "sat down" with Katrin Webb from DOC to talk about how policy uses the science provided to them, and how useful it is to have everyone at the table from the very beginning.
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House Of Science Resource Kits

New kit on forest health for House of Science

Chris Duggan is a seasoned science teacher, with 15 years’ experience teaching high school science. Over the course of her career, she became concerned about the lack of science students
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Natasha Tassell Matamua

Profile: Natasha Tassell-Matamua

As a co-lead for the Ngā Rākau Taketake investment Mobilising for Action, Associate Professor Natasha Tassell-Matamua contributes a wealth of knowledge on the connection between te taiao and well-being.
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Future focus for Science Communication

Several presenters at the annual conference were associated with BioHeritage. Marie McEntee from the University of Auckland, co-lead of NRT’s Mobilising for Action and BioHeritage’s National Conversations project in the
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About Us

Our mission To reverse the decline of New Zealand’s biological heritage, through a national partnership to deliver a step change in research innovation, globally leading technologies and community and sector
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Ngā Pī Ka Rere spotlight: Pejman (Sami) Alighaleh realises his passion in his second Master's

Sami was born in a small city of Behshahr in Iran, wedged between the sea and the jungle. “One of my favourite activities growing up was walking in the jungle,”
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Ngā Pī Ka Rere Spotlight: Breigh Lawson-Stanley is enlivening Māoritanga in biosecurity frameworks

Breigh Lawson-Stanley (Ngāi Tahu and Rongowhakaata) took to country life from the get-go, her fondest childhood memories always involving “mucking around” on her family farm in Southland.  “We grew up
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State of biodiversity in NZ

BioHeritage Director Dr Andrea Byrom responds to the NZ Herald about the state of our environment.
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Research Impact Award from University of Auckland for BioHeritage programme 

Empowering community creativity and engagement has been recognised in BioHeritage’s Ngā Rākau Taketake (Saving our Iconic Trees) Mobilising for Action (MFA) programme with two co-leads being honoured with a Team
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About Aligned Research

Aligned Research

There was a vast amount of research being undertaken that aligned with our investment areas. Each year we asked our 18 Challenge Parties about their other research programmes that are
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Documentary shows how sound can connect us to the forest and raise awareness of plant health

The concept for this film evolved over several years through an ongoing conversation between close friends Kelly (Ngāti Whakaue, Ngāi Tūhoe, Te Aitanga ā Māhaki) and Dan (Te Roroa, Ngāti
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Stage One scoping group timeline

Many groups have already begun the scoping process. If you would like to register as being a stakeholder that members of a particular scoping group can contact for external input,
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Toitū te Ngahere: Biosecurity is for everyone

Toitū te Ngahere: Art in Schools for Forest Health (TTN) was part of the research theme Mobilising for Action within Ngā Rākau Taketake. TTN was responding to the explicit call
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Introducing a new co-lead for Control, Protect, Cure

Dr Marion Wood has recently joined us as a new co-lead for the Ngā Rākau Taketake investment Control, Protect, Cure. We had a chat to learn more about her.
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