Keith Lyons

Keith Lyons

Role: Communications & Engagement Lead

Keith joins BioHeritage while Stacey Bryan-Sneddon is on parental leave (until March 2024), to continue connecting wider audiences to the innovative impacts of the BioHeritage National Science Challenge and Ngā Rākau Taketake, including through the fourth and final Crazy & Ambitious conference on 3-4 April at Te Papa.

With a background in writing, science communications, and public relations, Keith’s first ever job after journalism school was at the end of the DSIR with the establishment unit of Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research and the first years of the new CRI in the early-mid 1990s.

Since then, he’s studied environmental communications in the US and UK, and lived and worked in Antarctica, Myanmar, and the Tibetan borderlands of south-west China, and Wellington. He joins BioHeritage’s Lincoln office from Stats NZ where he led comms for the Agricultural Production Census 2022 and the joint MfE Environment Reporting programme, winners of the SCANZ Excellence in Science Communication Award.

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