Maureen O’Callaghan
Understanding the benefits, challenges and impact of BioHeritage’s approach to mission-led research.
BioHeritage made an early commitment to co-design research with our Treaty and industry partners, endusers and communities, to maximise the impact and uptake of research outcomes. Co-design is challenging to execute and in this Pou we are working to document, publish and share the learnings gained from our approach to mission-led science. It is important to document and share the advantages, challenges and unintended consequences of our values-led approach, to allow the broader scientific community and funders of science to learn from our experiences.
Within the Science Excellence and Impact Pou, a research team has been tasked with quantifying the effect of BioHeritage’s approach on traditional science metrics, such as publications, and identify other (new) metrics that may better describe science excellence and impact. Te Aho Mātauranga, the Māori leadership rōpu, is also working to define and share measures of excellence and impact that are more meaningful and relevant to Māori researchers and communities.
Finally, we are working to collate and share the many diverse impacts our research has had on biodiversity and society in Aotearoa.