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A round table exploration of Indigenous rights and participation in plant pathology

Marsh A, Parata H, Ashby T. 2023. A round table exploration of Indigenous rights and participation in plant pathology. International Congress of Plant Pathology. 21/08/2023…
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Empowering Ethical Indigenous Research and Engaging Youth

Presented by Oranga researchers Marcus-Rongowhitiao Shadbolt & Michael Heimlick, as part of the Kaurilands Summit 2023, hosted by Ngā Rākau Taketake.
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Empowering an indigenous perspective

A keynote presentation in the ICPP2023: Plant Pathology in a One Health World session.   Many hundreds of pests and pathogens have been introduced, either…
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Protecting New Zealand’s Kauri Through Good Practice: Dog Walkers

This Master’s thesis research engaged with dog walkers to examine their experiences and practices within the kauri landscape. The aim of this approach was to…
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So Where to From Here? TTW’s Vision for our Kete

A presentation on Te Tira Whakamataki’s seed conservation plans, given as part of the Te Mana Motuhake o te Kākano: Māori Seed Conservation Hui held…
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Māori Rights and Interests in the Conservation Space

A presentation given as part of the Te Mana Motuhake o te Kākano: Māori Seed Conservation Hui held online, 16 October 2023. In this presentation,…
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Whare Taonga: Seed Solutions in a Changing World

A presentation that sets the scene for why seed conservation is vital in this changing world. Given as part of the Te Mana Motuhake o…
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Extracting and cryopreserving embryonic axes

Presented at the Australian Academy of Science Fenner Conference on the Environment, online conference 2021. Cryopreservation offers a method of conserving exceptional species long term…
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Understanding the distribution of genetic variation in ramarama – Amy MacDonald

Understanding the distribution of genetic variation in ramarama and its potential implications for conservation. Presented as part of the Kaurilands Summit 2023, hosted by Ngā…
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He Taonga Kē Ngā Kaumātua – Ariana Apiti

He Taonga Kē Ngā Kaumātua: Kaumātua perspectives of te taiao, ngahere and taonga species. Presented by Mobilising for Action researcher Ariana Apiti, as part of…
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Risk-based surveillance to demonstrate absence of Phytophthora agathidicida – Cecilia Arienti-Latham

Presented as part of the Kaurilands Summit 2023, hosted by Ngā Rākau Taketake.   To find out more about the Integrated Surveillance research theme please…
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Conservation genetics of maire tawake – Colan Balkwill

Restoration genetics of maire tawake – a nationally critically threatened tree species. Presented as part of the Kaurilands Summit 2023, hosted by Ngā Rākau Taketake.…
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Understanding a taonga killer: how does Austropuccinia psidii cause myrtle rust? – Grant Smith

Presented as part of the Kaurilands Summit 2023, hosted by Ngā Rākau Taketake.   To find out more about the Host, Pathogen & Environment research…
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Why understanding the biology of Phytophthora agathidicida matters – Jochem Vink

Presented as part of the Kaurilands Summit 2023, hosted by Ngā Rākau Taketake.   To find out more about the Control, Protect, Cure research theme…
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The (social) science of Te Whakahononga – Leane Makey

Presented as part of the Kaurilands Summit 2023, hosted by Ngā Rākau Taketake.   To find out more about Te Whakahononga please click the link…
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Capturing forest structure with high density laser scanning – Malte Cordes

Presented as part of the Kaurilands Summit 2023, hosted by Ngā Rākau Taketake.   To find out more about the Risk Assessment & Ecosystem Impacts…
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