
Many groups have already begun the scoping process.

If you would like to register as being a stakeholder that members of a particular scoping group can contact for external input, please email

The schedule of completed and planned first workshops is:


Ngā Rākau Taketake Rapid Implementation Group

  • Identify critical areas that need immediate funding within the areas of kauri dieback and myrtle rust.


Early Career Group

  • Give our early career scientists, communicators, operational staff, stakeholder agencies etc. a voice within the Challenge and assist in their career development.

Ngā Rākau Taketake Scoping group

  • Restore resilience to our ngahere/forest ecosystem and halt the decline of our taonga tree species.


SO5(a): Novel tools and strategies for biosecurity before and at the New Zealand border

  • Deploy novel tools, technologies & strategies for control or eradication of biotic threats.

SO2: Environmental stewardship

  • Empower New Zealanders to demand and enact environmental stewardship and kaitiakitanga.

SO4: State-of-the-art surveillance

  • We have state-of-the-art biosecurity surveillance systems

SO7: Adaptive governance and policy

  • Enable people are to build biological heritage resilience with the right policy and governance instruments.


SO6: Ecosystem interdependencies

  • Quantify social-ecological linkages for use in managing, protecting and restoring land and water ecosystems.

SO1: BioHeritage scorecard

  • Report progress towards our goals using a biological heritage scorecard for Aotearoa

SO5(b): Novel tools and strategies for biosecurity within the NZ environment

  • Deploy novel tools, technologies & strategies for control or eradication of biotic threats that have already gotten past border security.

SO3: Predicting current and future threats

  • Anticipate both emerging & latent biosecurity risks, and avoid new or recurring invasions

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