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178 results for "myrtle rust"


Goals for our Strategic Outcomes

During the Tranche 2 scoping process each Strategic Outcome (SO) group was tasked with figuring out what the primary goals should be in their space. They relied on the breadth of knowledge and experience in the room, as well as consulting extensively with stakeholders and partners.
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Maori Meeting House With Traditional Carved Interior, The National Marae At The Waitangi Treaty Grounds In New Zealand

Our Pou/Supporting Architecture

Our Pou are investments that spanned across research programmes because they aimd to add value to everything we were doing. They involved groups of passionate researchers who identified gaps in
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New co-lead for Host, Pathogen & Environment

The Challenge is pleased to share that Dr Nari Williams is confirmed as the new co-lead for Theme 6: Host, Pathogen & Environment.
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NRT scoping group making great progress

The Ngā Rākau Taketake (NRT) scoping group pitched their Investment Prospectus to a ‘dragons den’ earlier in the month, receiving lots of positive and constructive feedback.
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A strategic approach to partnership

Authentic partnership with mana whenua takes pride of place in the BioHeritage Challenge. But what happens when seven different teams all want to honour this process in a similar field of work?
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Toi Taiao Whakatairanga: Tukanga: Processes of Navigating the Interface between Art Curation/Research, Forest Ecologies and Māori Perspectives

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Te Mana Motuhake o te kākano: what seed sovereignty means for us.

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Conservation and Restoration 2021

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Integrated Surveilance 2022

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Conservation & Restoration 2022

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Mate Tipu Mate Rākau

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Toitū te Ngahere Lesson Plan

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Mātauranga Māori Framework for Surveillance (MMFS) for Plant Pathogens | GRISS Nov 2022

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Control, Protect, Cure

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Priority research investment: Surveillance

We need to empower communities to map and monitor these foreign pathogens and their impacts, using an overarching surveillance framework. New Zealand already has one of the best surveillance frameworks
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