Biosecurity - Control

Once pests have become established, how can we best control or eradicate them?


Selection and characterization of DNA aptamers for the rat major urinary protein 13 (MUP13) as selective biorecognition elements for sensitive detection of rat pests

Among invasive mammalian predators, rats represent a major threat, endangering ecosystem functioning worldwide. After rat-control operations, detecting their continued presence or reinvasion requires more sensitive…
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Effects of Deformed Wing Virus-Targeting dsRNA on Viral Loads in Bees Parasitised and Non-Parasitised by Varroa destructor

The Varroa destructor mite is a devastating parasite of honey bees; however the negative effects of varroa parasitism are exacerbated by its role as an efficient vector…
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BRIEF: What really matters? – Characterising values relevant to biosecurity and biodiversity

Resource managers are often required to consider the implications of their decisions on a wide range of different economic, environmental, socio-cultural and te ao Māori…
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What is a good decision in biosecurity? Māori perspectives and integrated analysis of themes

The research programme “He Tangata, He Taiao, He Ōhanga (Strategic Outcome 3, Bioheritage National Science Programme) aims to incorporate information from a holistic set of…
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BRIEF: Safe, effective, and highly targeted tools for pest control

A new method to control the varroa parasite and improve honey bee health
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e-DNA Exploring Māori Data Governance & Sovereignty

Whāki webinar: e-DNA Exploring Māori Data Governance & Sovereignty   Rogena Sterling, Aimee van der Reis, Manpreet Dhami, Maui Hudson, Libby Liggins and Holden Hohaia…
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Crazy & Ambitious 4: Co-design for community surveillance

Online presentation from Crazy & Ambitious 4: Co-design for community surveillance, with Te Poari Newton, Stevee Raureti, Brayden Hohaia, and Serene Ratu, from Kāwai Kaimai.…
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Kaurilands Summit 2021

Over 120 attendees representing community groups, iwi, research organisations, councils and government agencies came together online for the inaugural Kauriland Summit in June 2021. The…
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University of Otago PhD genetics students Josh Gilligan and Gemma McLaughlin talking about how their research could help eradicate wasps in Aotearoa

University of Otago PhD genetics students Josh Gilligan and Gemma McLaughlin have been stung by their efforts in wasp removal – all in the name…
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The potential for a CRISPR gene drive to eradicate or suppress globally invasive social wasps

CRISPR gene drives have potential for widespread and cost-efficient pest control, but are highly controversial. We examined a potential gene drive targeting spermatogenesis to control…
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Invasion success and management strategies for social Vespula wasps

Three species of Vespula have become invasive in Australia, Hawai‘i, New Zealand, and North and South America and continue to spread. These social wasp species can achieve…
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Confronting the risks of large-scale invasive species control

Large-scale invasive species control initiatives are motivated by laudable desires for native species recovery and economic benefits, but they are not without risk. Management interventions…
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Ethical responsibilities in invasion biology

There is a classic problem in ethics of reconciling the moral standing of collectives (e.g. populations, species and ecosystems) with the moral standing of individuals. We…
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Risk Assessment & Ecosystem Impacts 2022

We need to understand kauri dieback and myrtle rust better if we want to protect our ngahere. That’s why the goal of the ‘Risk Assessment…
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Experimental high-density trapping of social wasps: target kairomones for workers or gynes for drones?

Social wasps are amongst the most loathed exotic predators in New Zealand, with widespread adverse impacts on native ecosystems and fauna. Sustainable alternatives to pesticides…
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Population recovery of alien black rats Rattus rattus: A test of reinvasion theory

Reinvasion of pest animals after incomplete control is a major challenge for invasive species management, yet little is known about the behavioural and demographic categories…
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