An ArcGIS storymap created by the Ngāti Mutanga Biodiversity Management Area documenting the research mahi delivered through Te Whakahononga Pou and funded by Ngā Rākau…
The unprecedented level of threat facing many of the world’s natural and cultural systems calls for the collaboration of multiple interest groups to engage in…
The complexity of Māori values around environmental matters is specifically known at the iwi and hapū level and over successive generations Māori have developed thorough…
This briefing explores positive examples of shared authority or co-governance of the environment and the benefits that come from iwi and hapū knowledge and leadership.…
This document is a report outlining engagement with Te Papa Atawhai (Department of Conservation) kaimahi Māori staff following a wānanga held in Hamilton and Rotorua…
A video created by Rhiannon James Graphic Recording for NRT’s Oranga Theme and can also be found on the Te Tira Whakamātaki website here:
Over 120 attendees representing community groups, iwi, research organisations, councils and government agencies came together online for the inaugural Kauriland Summit in June 2021. The…
This video is part of the project Māori Resistance and Resilience Through Aotearoa-Based Planning and Resource Management, led by Kairangahau Māori Lara Taylor (Ngāti Tahu,…