Over 120 attendees representing community groups, iwi, research organisations, councils and government agencies came together online for the inaugural Kauriland Summit in June 2021. The…
This video is part of the project Māori Resistance and Resilience Through Aotearoa-Based Planning and Resource Management, led by Kairangahau Māori Lara Taylor (Ngāti Tahu,…
An open kōrerorero facilitated by Maui Hudson with Catherine Kirby and Corey Ruha from the Eco-index team. Catherine gives background on the projects mahi for…
Walking has gained prominence in social sciences as a source of inspiration for scholarly narratives and methodological experimentation with embodied ways of knowing. Walking across…
Current forest biosecurity systems and processes employed in many countries are, in large, constructs of Western principles, values and science knowledge that have been introduced…
He Taonga Kē Ngā Kaumātua: Kaumātua perspectives of te taiao, ngahere and taonga species. Presented by Mobilising for Action researcher Ariana Apiti, as part of…
This article explores some of the key features of co-governance, or shared decision making, between Māori and the Crown. Co-governance models create the conditions for…
Aotearoa’s (New Zealand’s) biological heritage is in decline due to threats such as climate change and habitat destruction. Aotearoa’s biological heritage and the wider environment…
Faced with growing biosecurity risks and threats, countries worldwide seek to protect their biodiversity from ecosystem degradation and loss. Biosecurity surveillance of plant pathogens and…
Indigenous peoples around the world are leading discusions regarding genomic research of humans, and more recently, species of cultural significance, to ensure the ethical and…
An ArcGIS storymap created by the Waitaka Biodiversity Management Area documenting the research mahi delivered through Te Whakahononga Pou and funded by Ngā Rākau Taketake.
Context In Aotearoa New Zealand, a significant threat to biodiversity, conservation efforts and Indigenous cultural identity is the unwanted introduction of invasive pests, plants and…