The dominant colonial scientific narrative of managing disease is one of risk, response, and control. This narrative, while shifting, continues to frame the priorities and…
It is widely acknowledged that Indigenous peoples have traditional knowledge relevant to modern environmental management. By asserting roles within associated science and policy networks, such…
Te Whakahononga led a new approach to scientific research aiming to ensure equitable status for mātauranga Māori alongside western knowledge, and mana whenua with researchers…
An ArcGIS storymap created by the Ngāti Rēhia Biodiversity Management Area documenting the research mahi delivered through Te Whakahononga Pou and funded by Ngā Rākau…
This document is a report outlining engagement with Te Papa Atawhai (Department of Conservation) kaimahi Māori staff following a wānanga held in Hamilton and Rotorua…
A video created by Rhiannon James Graphic Recording for NRT’s Oranga Theme and can also be found on the Te Tira Whakamātaki website here:
Over 120 attendees representing community groups, iwi, research organisations, councils and government agencies came together online for the inaugural Kauriland Summit in June 2021. The…
He Taonga Kē Te Ngahere is about better understanding the meaning and value Māori give to te taiao (the natural environment), ngahere (forest) and taonga…
Te Taiao Whakatairanga, a cross-disciplinary research project bringing together arts, science and te ao Māori to raise awareness of threats to the health of our…
How, as researchers, do we recognise and address the implicit biases when engaging across multiple knowledge ecologies. In this paper, we consider the way historical…
As the fight against kauri dieback continues, a traditional Maori healer is using indigenous medicine to help save the ancient trees. Tohe Ashby belongs to…
The ‘Control, Protect, Cure’ team have been using an extensive outreach process to develop and socialise new technologies, assess important values and concerns, and ensure…
Management of biosecurity threats to forests and indigenous trees needs to address the legacy of colonising practices that have prohibited diverse knowledges from being included.…