“Saving Our Myrtles”, produced by Fiona Apanui-Kupenga and directed by Kaea Hills, on release in March 2024, is a hopeful documentary follow-up to “Mate Tipu,…
Marsh A, Parata H, Ashby T. 2023. A round table exploration of Indigenous rights and participation in plant pathology. International Congress of Plant Pathology. 21/08/2023…
An ArcGIS storymap created by the Ngāti Mutanga Biodiversity Management Area documenting the research mahi delivered through Te Whakahononga Pou and funded by Ngā Rākau…
In agricultural systems, responsive management can mitigate the effects of risk and uncertainty by facilitating adaptation to changing conditions. A tool for evaluating management systems…
Te Tiriti-based surveillance for Forest Pathogens This research aimed to elevate mana whenua into the biosecurity and biodiversity management system, lifting mātauranga Māori (indigenous science)…
This document represents TTW’s expectations or principles when seed banking with Māori communities. We do not wish to speak on behalf of all iwi, hapū,…
Mate Tipu, Mate Rākau follows Department of Conservation Ranger Graeme Atkins (Ngāti Porou, Rongomaiwahine), as he reveals the rapid devastation that the airborne fungal pathogen…
This video is part of the project Māori Resistance and Resilience Through Aotearoa-Based Planning and Resource Management, led by Kairangahau Māori Lara Taylor (Ngāti Tahu,…
Austropuccinia psidii, the cause of myrtle rust, has spread globally where Myrtaceae occur. Multiple strains of A. psidii have been identified, including a unique strain found…
The ‘Host, Pathogen and Environment’ team is focusing on the ‘disease triangle’: host susceptibility, the pathogen and the right environment for disease expression. They are…
Management of biosecurity threats to forests and indigenous trees needs to address the legacy of colonising practices that have prohibited diverse knowledges from being included.…
Resistance to the pandemic strain of Austropuccinia psidii was identified in New Zealand provenance Leptospermum scoparium, Kunzea robusta, and K. linearis plants. Only 1 Metrosideros…
This report was created by the Ngā Rākau Taketake scoping group and focuses on combatting the plant pathogens that cause kauri dieback and myrtle rust.…