To restore secondary forests, depauperate remnant forests and create new forests that have complex structure, high biomass, and natural canopy tree diversity, mature-phase canopy and…
Aotearoa New Zealand’s Eco-index research programme is developing a 100-year national biodiversity vision. The purpose of the vision is to establish a concrete restoration goal that…
Indigenous peoples’ roles in conservation are important because they offer alternate perspectives and knowledge centred on the quality of the human–environment relationship. Here, we present…
While quantified environmental benefits from biosecurity protection programmes are available, they remain scarce, patchy, and context-specific. This contributes to the oversight of non-market economic values…
Why is it so hard to move freshwater species? – Rethinking freshwater translocation processes and policy in Aotearoa New Zealand. Translocating valued species is…
A two-page summary of the report of the same name found HERE. More and more people are wanting to increase the impact of their environmental restoration…
This thesis outlines the important roles that tikanga and care ethics have in the governance of our environment. Current governing practices and systems in Aotearoa…
This document is a report outlining engagement with Te Papa Atawhai (Department of Conservation) kaimahi Māori staff following a wānanga held in Hamilton and Rotorua…
OPINION: The extreme weather events that we have witnessed around the country with increasing frequency, including the recent catastrophic flooding in our biggest city, should be a clear…
On 10 August, 2021, the Biological Heritage National Science Challenge’s Eco-index programme facilitated an online workshop across various government agencies, universities, CRIs, councils and businesses…
Aotearoa New Zealand’s mission-led National Science Challenges are expected to deliver research impact by connecting researchers, Māori partners, stakeholders and end users to co-design and…