This project has been designed to assist DOC to better understand their challenges and priorities when partnering with Māori, identifying material and resources likely to…
Working with Tangata Kokiri and mana whenua, ‘an issues paper’, provides the foundation for potential impacts for mana whenua and their whanau/hapū, communities and other…
This document represents TTW’s expectations or principles when seed banking with Māori communities. We do not wish to speak on behalf of all iwi, hapū,…
Te Māra Tautāne is a collaborative research project between hapū members of Te Māhurehure in the Rūātoki Valley, and researchers at the Centre for Indigenous…
Several favourite walking, tramping, cycling, kayaking, and boating spots in Aotearoa NZ are now co-managed by Māori organisations and government agencies. These co-governance and co-management…
Walking has gained prominence in social sciences as a source of inspiration for scholarly narratives and methodological experimentation with embodied ways of knowing. Walking across…
The detection of kauri dieback and myrtle rust pathogens in Aotearoa|New Zealand prompted the government to fund research and engagement into what has been constructed…
The dominant colonial scientific narrative of managing disease is one of risk, response, and control. This narrative, while shifting, continues to frame the priorities and…
It is widely acknowledged that Indigenous peoples have traditional knowledge relevant to modern environmental management. By asserting roles within associated science and policy networks, such…
Te Whakahononga led a new approach to scientific research aiming to ensure equitable status for mātauranga Māori alongside western knowledge, and mana whenua with researchers…
An ArcGIS storymap created by the Ngāti Rēhia Biodiversity Management Area documenting the research mahi delivered through Te Whakahononga Pou and funded by Ngā Rākau…