Adaptive Governance and Policy, the investment that “tackles the ways in which governance and policy need to change to better protect te taiao”, are celebrating the recent release of two documents that demonstrate the importance and value of Te Tiriti o Waitangi, tikanga and care-informed relationships. One of the documents is titled Caring For Our […]
Month: August 2023
Research document champions “authentic Te Tiriti o Waitangi relationships” for local government
Steps Towards Authentic Te Tiriti o Waitangi Relationships at a Local Government Level is a summary of a research report commissioned by The Review into the Future for Local Government and draws on the expertise of a remarkable set of researchers. The Review into the Future for Local Government describes itself as providing “an opportunity […]
New forest health tool helps mana whenua capture culturally important data
Kiri Reihana (Ngāpuhi, Te Rarawa, Ngāi Tūhoe, Whakatohea), a University of Waikato PhD student and kairangahau – Māori scientist for Manaaki Whenua–Landcare Research, has become a specialist in the development of cultural indicators. In 2017, she was part of a team who developed a set of cultural indicators to help mana whenua conduct freshwater monitoring […]
NRT risk maps being rolled out by Tiakina Kauri
Over the native range of kauri, nobody is certain which areas contain Phytophthora agathidicida (PA), the pathogen that causes the disease kauri dieback, and which areas are pathogen-free. It is important to know where this pathogen is and where it isn’t so that kauri in good health can be protected and sites with infection can […]
The value of international critical friends
Mariella is someone you want on your team. An anthropologist by training, Mariella has worked with Forest Research (Great Britain’s principal organisation for forestry and tree-related research) for about 15 years. “For the bulk of that time, I’ve been building a programme around the social dimensions of tree health,” she says. Several years ago, Mariella’s […]
New paper: how BioHeritage is charting a new course in knowledge governance
Using co-design to produce a research agenda or develop policy interventions is not a new concept. “It’s done in a lot of places, or at least it’s attempted,” says Ronlyn Duncan, an independent researcher working with Manaaki Whenua—Landcare Research. However, co-design can be difficult, it’s resource intensive, and outcomes don’t always translate into action. “Evaluations […]