The presence of the ancient and unusual kanakana (pouched lamprey) in a catchment near the settlement of Aparima Riverton in Southland is uniting a community that is examining land practices to enhance waterway (drain) management on farms. Kanakana are a migratory jawless fish and a valued mahika kai species once prolific throughout Murihiku Southland. […]
Category: News
Research Impact Award from University of Auckland for BioHeritage programme
Empowering community creativity and engagement has been recognised in BioHeritage’s Ngā Rākau Taketake (Saving our Iconic Trees) Mobilising for Action (MFA) programme with two co-leads being honoured with a Team Award in this year’s University of Auckland awards. Social, arts, mātauranga Māori and ecology researcher Dr Mark Harvey (Ngāti Raukawa ki te Tonga, Ngāruahine iwi) […]
New online tool to help land managers with predator control
BioHeritage has helped fund the development of a free, user-friendly online application, TrapSim Plus, predator control. The simulation tool was recently launched to enable smarter, more cost-effective decision-making and allows land managers and communities to compare scenarios in planning and designing ground-based predator suppression control. TrapSim Plus is the culmination of four years of collaboration […]
Why it makes sense to protect our special places together
There are significant benefits to shared authority, and some of those benefits for environmental and community wellbeing are illustrated in examples of co-governance in a new report produced under BioHeritage’s Me Tū ā-Uru programme for policy and decision-makers. Shared authority contributes to better, more enduring, and thoroughly considered decisions, conclude Carwyn Jones & Jordan Green […]
Public Perceptions Will Determine Suitable Use of Gene Tech
Addressing public concerns about the suitability and safety of new innovations is crucial to the responsible use of genetic technologies for environmental problems, according to new research. Funded by BioHeritage (Genetic Technologies and Our Environment), public perceptions were explored in depth in the recently produced report “National Conversations on Genetic Technologies for Environmental Purposes: Using […]
Vertebrate Pest Research Collective shows a strong spine for successful collaboration
An initiative created by BioHeritage has evolved from a research project into a vital forum for sharing information on pest management, the Vertebrate Pest Research Collective). With one of BioHeritage’s superpowers being its ability to find gaps in systems, the need for a forum for biosecurity researchers, practitioners and policymakers was first identified in a […]
What’s happening with BioHeritage?
So BioHeritage National Science Challenge has ended – and what comes next? BioHeritage was one of 11 National Science Challenges established in 2014 as mission-led research programmes. The Challenges, funded by MBIE, were time-bound, and all officially ended on 30 June this year. The office in Lincoln supporting BioHeritage finishes reporting and turns off the […]
Risk of Challenge gains lost
The gains made from National Science Challenges may be lost, according to BioHeritage’s founding chair Dr James Buwalda. He expressed his concern in a recent interview with the Australia/New Zealand editor of Research Professional News (‘Gains made from National Science Challenges may be lost’ – Research Professional News), an international news, insight and intelligence publication […]
Establishing a BioHeritage Alliance
With the BioHeritage National Science Challenge having ended in June, many partners and participants in the decade of mission-led research have expressed concerns about the empowered innovative research community, the unique ways of working, the collaboration across organisations and disciplines, and the loss of momentum. You’ve told us you will miss the research whānau we’ve […]
End of Challenge marked with moving event
It was a bittersweet moment when the end of the BioHeritage National Science Challenge was marked with a ‘Close and Celebration’ event in mid-July. Reflecting on the journey of the Challenge which started back in 2014, the online and Lincoln in-person event acknowledged contributions from a decade’s mahi, highlighted the personal and professional impact of […]
Science and research enhanced by Treaty principles and partnerships
Innovation can be accelerated by integrating Te Tiriti o Waitangi principles into the research, science and innovation system, according to a new report recently released by the National Science Challenges. Launched recently in Wellington, Te Tiriti o Waitangi Partnerships Enhances Research, Science and Innovation found that honouring Te Tiriti in research and science fosters more […]
Steering towards success: reflections from the support team
The BioHeritage National Science Challenge waka is heading ashore. The kaihoe, our Contract Management and Communications team (aka ‘Support’), have strived to ensure that BioHeritage’s mission was managed well and communicated effectively. Before they stow their BioHeritage hoe (paddles) they’ve reflected on their time with the Challenge.
Change needed to enable self-determination in environmental guardianship
Conservation and environmental systems need to innovate if they are to implement tino rangatiratanga, and kaitiakitanga, according to a new report by Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research and the Papawhakaritorito Charitable Trust. Jointly funded by BioHeritage and the Department of Conservation (DOC), the report presents the voices of kaitiaki that emphasised, despite Treaty-compliant declarations in national strategies […]
Taonga Research – the long dream
For years, Riki Parata has been the kaiārihi taiao (environmental lead) for the environmental efforts of Hokonui Rūnanga, one of 18 rūnanga (local councils) of Ngāi Tahu and the only one located in inland Te Waipounamu (South Island). Riki did an environmental science Master’s at the University of Waikato, focusing on kōura (freshwater crayfish). He […]
Duane Peltzer – came for the science, stayed for the people
Duane was born and trained in Canada, originally as a freshwater ecologist. Wanting to work more with plants, he pursued ethnobotany before becoming a plant ecologist. “Some of my work was on latitudinal tree lines and the effects of fire on vegetation,” says Duane. “I was curious about vegetation distribution and why things are in […]
Doing science differently: Lessons learned from BioHeritage
BioHeritage, like the other National Science Challenges, started out as an experiment in mission-led research. As with any good experiment, a key step is to reflect on the process and outcomes, so that any lessons learned can be carried into the future. In 2022, a project idea to ‘science the science’ was spun out of […]